Florida tops recors in 2015

As a part of my job in the Finnish-American Chamber of Commerce, Florida Chapter, I maintain the webpages, social media and the blog. I mainly post about the recent events, happenings and the press releases we send out. Recently, I made a blog post about the situation in Florida’s population, employment and job market and … More Florida tops recors in 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

This year I got to celebrate Thanksgiving in the US! It was actually the first Thanksgiving celebration for me, as we don’t celebrate it in Finland. Thanksgiving is celebrated every year on the fourth Thursday in November. I read that the holiday has its origins in Massachusetts, where a three-day harvest celebration was held in … More Happy Thanksgiving!

Viva la France!

I got more visitors! This time a friend of my, Severine, from France. I met her during living in Vienna as well! It was actually a (very nice) coincidence that she and her friend were in Florida at the same time as me. She was travelling with her friend around Florida in the Keys, Miami … More Viva la France!

Grusse aus Wien!

I got a visitor from Vienna, a friend of mine whom I met while living in Vienna came to visit me! Stefan was doing a trip with some of his guy friends around the US, starting from NYC and Chicago, and then continuing towards East Coast. Stefan had already visited some of the places the … More Grusse aus Wien!